My Recent Favorite Books

Writers love to read. Some of my recent favorite books are: The Harbinger, Johnathan Cahn; Church Why Bother, Philip Yancy. (I love everything by Yancy.) On the Mountains of Spices, Teresa Long. Just found out that although I have pre release books of Monopolies, it will not be available in stores for about six weeks. If you cannot wait, please order direct from me.

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One comment on “My Recent Favorite Books

  1. Nada Kirby says:

    I am so glad I got a copy of your latest book, Monopolies, at the LSWG meeting.
    I read it in 2 days. It usually takes me 2 weeks to read a book. The suspence kept me reading. I know the chracters. I love one, hate one and admire another one. I hope you are working on your next book.

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